A New Season Begins


A Whole Lotta Rain in Our Future...

Although the NEH-funded dig does not officially start until June 1, we have assembled an elite team of commando archaeologists willing to DIE to discover Bermuda's past  a coalition of the willing drawn from the US, UK, and Bermuda and getting ready to get to work, picking up where we left off last summer.  The "picking up where we left off" part is quite literal, in that we ended in a torrential downpour on fill-in day. . . 

Fortunately, most participants arrived on Saturday (thanks Margie and Jo!!!) and we had a dry day on Sunday to take our field equipment out of storage and move it over to Smith's Island. 

We also were able to start setting up the new BNT Archaeology Lab in Globe Hotel cellar, which is going to be a fantastic working and teaching space (thanks Charlotte!).  Taylor has great expertise in historical artifacts from working in Florida, Virginia, and St. Eustatius and we are fortunate that she is going to run our lab this season. 

Before the stormy weather set in today (keeping us prisoners on Paget Island - whitecaps in the harbour and a very small whaler), we did get a chance to explore Paget a bit and also do some clearing at Smallpox Bay to prepare to dig.  

The Team at Old Paget Fort (L-R): Hannah, Kellen, Josh, Kaspar, Aleksi, Keegan,
Hannah, Jarvis, Ewan, and Taylor

We are taking advantage of our forced days off to get everyone up to speed on the SIAP excavation protocols and artifact identification, whetting everyone's appetites for when we can actually set trowel to ground - when the weather gods relent!

Happiness is a well-stocked kitchen
So we are off to a slow, wet start, but getting to know each other well.  Can't wait to get going!


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